Rodeo Entry System
Online entry Instructions:
Please read below for information prior to completing the entry form.
1. Click on Entry link that says "Enter Rodeo Now" below.
2. Begin typing your child's name in the empty box if your child is a current member of KJRA.
3. Select your child's name.
4. Once your child's name is selected you will be able to mark the boxes for the events you wish to enter for that rodeo. Please select the events you wish to enter your child.
5. If your child is not in the correct age group or is a new member (not in the drop down when you type their name) you will need to email Trisha at She will then enter your new member into the system so you can then enter your contestant. Please check back within 24-48 hours to see if your contestant is able to be entered.
6. Please remember to enter your email on the last page so you get a confirmation email for your entry.
7. If you are unsure if you registered, simply go back to the start page and retype your child’s name. You can click and go back into the registration page. Select the rodeo and if you entered then the events will not show for you to select on the signup page.
8. You will need to sign up for both the Saturday and Sunday rodeo separately. Repeat these same steps to enter for both days.
***IF you miss the deadline to enter a rodeo: You must email Trisha and she will manually enter you in the rodeo system. You will be given a $100 late fee if this happens. You will have until Wednesday at 11:00AM the week of the rodeo to contact Trisha to still enter. After 11:00AM on Wednesday all entries will be cut off and no more entries will be accepted.***
If you have any problems or questions please reach out to Trisha for more information.
April 12th & 13th- Books close on April 5th
May 17th & 18th- Books close May 10th
June 7th and 8th- Books close May 31th
July 12th & 13th- Books close July 5th
August 23rd & 24th- Books close August 16th
September 13th & 14th- Books close September 6th