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Saturday Order of Events
Grand Entry to begin at 9 a.m.
Pole Bending ( Begin with 15-18 y/o Boys)
Dummy Roping ( 7-10 and 6 & under outside arena )
Goat Tying ( 6 & under outside arena )
Barrel Racing ( 6 & under girls)
Goat Tying ( 7-10 Boys)
Chute Doggin
Calf Riding
Steer Riding
Bull Riding
Calf Roping
Breakaway Roping
Team Roping
Steer Wrestling
Sunday Order of Events
Grand Entry to begin at 9 a.m.
Steer WreslTeam Roping
Breakaway Roping
Calf Roping
Bull Riding
Steer Riding
Calf Riding
Chute Doggin
Goat Tying ( Begin with 15-18 y/o Girls )
Pole Bending ( Begin with 15-18 y/o Boys)
Dummy Roping ( 7-10 and 6 & under outside arena )
Goat Tying ( 6 & under outside arena )
Barrel Racing ( Begin with 6 & under girls)
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